Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Measure the Impact, Not the Influence

I am delighted to see and hear an articulation of a relationship orientation as critical in the area of social impact. We who run CoP know this to be true from our own experience.

Thank you to Beth Kantor

"A lot of followers doesn't equal influence. As Stefano Maggi points out, there's more to influence besides numbers, there is also affinity. Geoff Livingston put it another way: relationships matter more than numbers with Twitter following. The bottom line is to focus on the results of your social media strategy, don't get distracted by meaningless metrics like the number of followers, and value the relationships."

Be sure to look at the graffic Beth includes in the blog-post.


1 comment:

Jespah said...

I think a lot of folks concentrate (read: fixate) on Twitter following, or at least the ratio between followers and those being followed as somehow being important, because it's a fairly easy to see metric.

The issue with Twitter is that it's hard to get any other sort of a metric out of them, e. g. page views. If you create your own unique links (or use a shortening service that will do it for you, such as SocialOomph), you can track clicks but not much else (e. g. bounce rate, unique visitors or time on site) unless you are also tracking those via Google Analytics or the like. Then meaningful metrics become a hashing together of several different systems' means of counting -- which may or may not truly correspond.

That is, you might be comparing apples to oranges, but you can't even tell which is the apple and which is the orange, and even if they are dissimilar at all.